There are several subcultures in America that have a staunch "never call the police" rule. And this is among the reasons.
So many people blindly support the police until something happens to them! Once it does, it will change the way they view police forever. This is where I'm at. I gave them their chance, literally 100+ chances, with overwhelming video evidence, and they let us down, personally! Now, I wouldn't piss on a cop if he was on fire. They have been making their own beds with this "qualified immunity" nonsense... now they can lie in those beds! PIGS are a useless organization now that they have been weaponized against the people. I have no sympathy for any of them. DEFUND THESE BULLIES WITH BADGES!
Overall and generally speaking, I'd say it's the willful, "blissful ignorance" by so many that's the most upsetting and disturbing to me. Just "burying your head in the sand" does not make the problems automatically go away... It takes REAL ACTION!
(Additional Website Author Comments):
I understand, TRUST is a precious asset, especially in today's world where we are constantly bombarded with misinformation. From mainstream media to deceptive product advertisements, self-proclaimed "experts" who intentionally misguide the public, and even healthcare professionals whose credibility has dwindled since the COVID-19 plandemic because of their lies, not to mention police who aren't held accountable for anything. Stacked on top of all of that are the numerous scams that seem to emerge every day (ie; Facebook marketplace - I only use them to promote, but drive customers back to my site for the actual sale. A safer experience plus, less fees and lower overall product prices).
And now, with the added tension of global conflicts and the threat of WWIII looming overhead, everyone is on edge and under extreme stress. Who can we trust?
I may be unknown to you, but here's what I can assure you:
I am a genuine individual, offering authentic, hand-crafted products. I operate with integrity and fairness. It won't cost you anything to verify this for yourself. Let's arrange a meeting where I can introduce you to my product line and we can establish a better business relationship. There's no obligation for you to buy anything during this meeting, but products will be available to review and purchase if you wish. Although my products are crafted at my home, I don't run my business from there. I schedule public meetups at Starbucks or we can do a video meeting. Please, don't hastily label me as a fraudster, because I am nothing of the sort. Don't be afraid to ask questions using my contact page. I don't know your ring size or what you're looking for unless you communicate with me.
I've ceased posting any real comments on YouTube due to their nonsensical "community guidelines" and moderation policies. They allow evil to post but try to edit or eliminate the real truth altogether. If you value true FREE SPEECH, consider becoming a member here - it's free and uncensored. We don't incite violence here, we simply offer a platform for free speech. Just click 'Log In' at the top of the page.
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