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District of Columbia To Pay MILLIONS For Violating 2nd Amendment


The judgment should be against those who pass and enforce unconstitutional laws, and they should pay out of their own pockets.



In addition to all the other problems going on in our world today, the issues with police have escalated beyond just "a few bad apples" - it's now about "entire orchards!" This situation underscores the fact that "we the people," often find more justice in "the court of public opinion" than in a legal system that repeatedly lets career criminals walk free, including law enforcement officers. Instructions always flow from the TOP down...

I've ceased posting comments on YouTube due to their excessive censorship. My site garners more views anyway. Here, both you and I can express our thoughts more freely, just as the 1st Amendment intended. If you value FREE SPEECH, consider becoming a member - it's free and uncensored. We don't incite violence here, we simply offer a platform for true, free speech. Just click 'Log In' at the top of the page.

While you're here, why don't you take a look at my growing

New line of Resin Rings coming soon!

COVID always has been, and always will be... A LIE!!! It's called "the seasonal flu" so don't panic. We get it every year. Nothing new. For your own health & safety, educate yourself now. Don't fall for the lies again. YOU, are your best line of defense!

Also Read:

Agenda 2030 (It's NOT a good thing!)

The GOVT's "Playbook"


DEPOPULATION (The End Goal) - It's a big part of the overall plan in their playbook.

Does the term "Final Solution" sound familiar? It should. History is repeating itself!

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