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15-Minute Cities

15-Minute Cities, Smart Cities, and Directed Energy Weapons: GOVT Tries To Sell You On "Convenience" When In Reality It's Just All About More CONTROL! The Only Ones Who Will Benefit Are "The RICH Elites" & Celebrities, NOT YOU or I!

The Time To Fight Against Tyranny Is Now!

The first way you can start fighting back is to "educate" yourself as to what's really going on, and you can begin with all the fires going on lately. Is it just coincidence? Me personally, I don't think so. It's all just a little too convenient if you ask me. Take HAWAII for example. The only things "not burning down" belong to celebrities and the filthy rich elites. They have everything barricaded so we can't see what's going on. What are they hiding? They're hiding something that's for sure. And now, fires popping up all across our country and they blame it on global warming. Nonsense! It's a massive DEPOPULATION and land grab. They are trying to surpass HITLER!

They want all the land and are willing to go to any length to get it. Even if it means killing people to do it. If you think our govt actually cares about any of us, you had better think again. They don't and if the $700 slap in the face payment to individuals who lost everything doesn't further prove that, I don't know what else I can say. The only thing they care about is CONTROL and taking your land away from you! HAWAII was just a test run and now they're doing it all across the country to see what they can get away with. They think we're all stupid. They have killed our loved ones, our pets, our produce and livestock... They told people to go back into the fires instead of showing them a way of escape. They shut the water off and killed cellphone towers. They wouldn't let FEMA or the Red Cross in or allow the locals to help one another. How much more proof do you need?

With the technology that is available today, I have no problem believing that they have some sort of military "directed energy weapon" that they can aim at what ever they want to destroy and then play stupid just as the evil leftists are known to do. It's been proven over and over again and with the election only a couple of months away, the dems know their time is short so they are going to destroy as much of America as they possibly can before TRUMP takes office again. If they say he didn't win the election this time, you'll know they are lying because the harder they try to get him out of the way the more popular he becomes and we are seeing their evil take shape right before our very eyes and the more people say they will vote for him in 2024. TRUMP is pretty much locked in now and they know it. The only way they think they can win is to continue lying & deceiving, but we are wide awake now.


I wouldn't put it past any of them to try and pull off another JFK stunt. They're scared to death of the Don Man! Once he's elected, they all know they will be going to prison. And if you want to live... DO NOT TAKE THE DEATH JAB! Myself and many others tried to warn people before about this and we were called "conspiracy theorists." I hope everyone is listening now... Healthy young adults and athletes don't just drop dead in their 20's for no reason.


I'm not a political person at all but I know evil when I see it and the Democratic party is the epitome of EVIL. Everything today seems to have some sort of political agenda behind it. These are not the people we want running this country, let alone our lives! They've already proven themselves to be COWARDS by fighting at night, using military equipment and law enforcement against us. There is no level they won't stoop to.

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Listen to what others are saying

Nigel Farage: 15-minute cities are about control, not convenience

“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.”

'These deeply illiberal, unBritish 15-minute cities are beyond the pale' | Mark Dolan

'These deeply illiberal, unBritish 15-minute cities are beyond the pale. They're hurting communities, hurting small businesses and they’ve got to go. And it didn’t take me 15 minutes to work that out.'

Directed Energy Weapons Are Very REAL!!!

Jon Ludwigson discusses our April 2023 report on Directed Energy Weapons. DOD spends about $1 billion annually on directed energy—concentrated electromagnetic energy—weapons, including high energy lasers and high powered microwaves. DOD has pursued these potentially transformative technologies for decades because they could provide considerable advantages. They can deliver destructive or disruptive effects to targets at the speed of light and have potentially significant advantages over kinetic weapons, such as guns and missiles, including lower per-use cost.

If You Can Play XBox You Can Operate This Weapon - Real Laser Weapons Used by the US Military


I was trying to convince people these were a real thing for the past 5 years and everyone thought I was crazy... We were both right.


Still not conviced? See more

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WE can either learn to fight for our liberty and freedom, or lose it all...

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